La Quinta Columna

International => English Channel => Mensaje iniciado por: miguelangel_laquinta en Marzo 12, 2022, 10:06:43 am

Título: Attention
Publicado por: miguelangel_laquinta en Marzo 12, 2022, 10:06:43 am
In case of a social network outage, we have now created chat rooms in several languages on our website.
You can access them through this address:

Also, in our forum, we have created sections in those same languages, so as not to lose communication and share what you want to share there.

Forum address:

Thank you very much

Título: Re: Attention
Publicado por: Carmen en Marzo 18, 2022, 10:32:01 pm
Fantastic initiative which is a true example of solidarity with whole humanity! Much appreciated