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lo del documento de PFIZER donde dicen que mete grafeno. teneis que quitarlo !


claro que lo meten, pero ahi no pone eso,

lo que pone es que usan una malla (mesh) para algo del hardware de laboratorio que esta hecho de grafeno

algo del microscopio

tenis que quitarlo cuanto antes y que os lo traduzca bien alguien que SEPA INGLES BIEN y que ademas SEPA DE TECNICA DE DE LABORATORIO

por que si no le estais dando alas a la disidencia controlada, para justificar "ejqueee se ha colado un poquito por contaminaziom del propio material"




El que os ha pasado esto, o es idiota o tiene malas intecioneso las dos cosas

BUSCAD A ALGUIEN QUE OS LO TRADUZCA BIEN, por que si no lo tienen a huevo para reirse de todo el trabajo de LQC





SI POR QUE LA FACCION "WOKE" Y (FALSAMENTE) "Progre" lo tenia como una parte mas de su MENTE COLMENA
y ahora de que ven que sale del redil
en el mejor de los casos lo ven como un rico egomaniaco


igual que las colmenas

:o ;D

El contexto creo que seria

"la Rama de los COVIANOS esta cabreada LOL"

es un movimiento FUERTE aunque a nosotros nos pueda parecer poca cosa, les acaba de llamar RETRASAOS EN EL PUTO CARETO xD a no se si mas de 100 millones de normies que lo siguen, sobre todo buscando entender o sentir a traves de MUSK

algo  del exito social, personal y profesional que es la imagen MUSK

asi como "Progeso de la CIENCIA" y FUTURISMO y "AVANCE DE LA ESPECIE"

y ahora les llama COVIDANOS  ;D

por supuesto el termino estan disputa, se lo quisiero reapropiar los normies vacunaos y plandemistas como que los "COVIDIANOS" eramos nosotros los escepticos
pero como biens sabemos, los que mas lo usamos somos nosotros hacia ellos

ambas partes anda linkando articulos y definiciones dispuntandose quien son los "COVIDIANOS"

La intencion de ELON por lo que entieno es riendose de los normies

¿y como estan reaccionadno los normies?

esto es importante. estan progrmadas para seguir "EL (falso) CONSENSO"

ahora no se sabe como van a reaccion, pero sencillamente parece que estan optando por IGNORAR todo

estan como si nada de momento, se bloquean como ya sabemos cuando intentamos hablar con algunos que te dicen "no me mandes mas cosas de estas", "no quiero saber mas".
"si no se autoridad ha dicho eso de las vacunas, es que se ha vuelto subnormal, se le ha ido la cabeza"

asi que no se, a esperar.

Por cierto tuiter ha abierto algo la mano, pero yo noto posimo "reach" o alcance. es como si a pesear de no estar shadowban . no enseñaran tus publicaciones a NADIE  :(

osea que algun algoritmo tendran todavia

lo digo por si intentais desembarcar con mas fuerza ahora que ha habido cambios, que no espereis super super cambios de momento

se me olvido el hilo

aqui hay mas capturas de pantallas
le pregunta cosas basicas sobre apantallamientos y que le parecen las marcas de mediores concretas
da detallitos concretos pero sin mojarse mucho
es curioso


empieza por aqui. deja solo 8 preguntas gratis pero es muy LOL. esta es de "google" creo. no se como esta programada.
Pero atencion sobre LQC

"d&d wtf GIF by Hyper RPG"



en resumen parece todo una distraccion para embarullar a la gente, haciendole pensar que el estado de la tecnologia es muy inferior a lo que realmente es

mucho lol y pitorreo

como esta   :D

mezclado con mucho garrulo que se pondria cualquier cosa que le vendan que  digan que es guay

de momento por lo poquismo que he visto, parece ser que seria algun tipo de rollo muy "paco" con chips fisicos

pero ya sabemos que sabe de sobra de la existencia del grafeno  y otras nano particulas como interfaz

asi que puede que sea todo teatro

General / Las frecuncias OFICIALES declaradas del STARLINK de ELON MUSK
« en: Noviembre 29, 2022, 08:54:55 pm »
 no entiendo un pijo de frecuencias asi que lo pongo por aqui

generalmente lo subo a pero han "SENSURADO "  8) ;D  unos dias ( eso es bueno ) por que se les va de las manos lo controlar la narrativa a paridas de debates monger

Sea como fuere lo copio por aqui para tener referencias


Tesla smartphone model "pi" with Neuralink...

this presentation is over a year old.

smart marketing.

hard pass.

Limits of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Energy in the Frequency Range from 3 kHz to 300 GHz:

Starlink Frequencies:
quency Does Starlink Use?

On March 29, 2018, the FCC authorized SpaceX to provide broadband satellite internet services using the Ka and Ku bands. The Ka band is the range from 27-40GHz and the Ku band is 12-18GHz. Starlink also uses the V band, which is the range of 40-75GHz, as well as dipping into the X band and K band, which are the ranges of 8-12GHz and 18-27GHz respectively.

To be more specific, ranges from 10.7-12.7GHz and 37.5-42.5GHz are used for the transmission of data from Starlink satellites to the customer's terminal on the ground. The ranges from 17.8-18.6GHz, 18.8-19.3GHz, and 37.5-42.5GHz are used for satellite to gateway transmissions. Gateways are locations on the ground that can send and receive data from satellites to connect satellite internet users to the websites and other internet services that they wish to use. Transmissions from the customer's terminal back up to the satellites in orbit are handled in the ranges from 14-14.5GHz, 47.2-50.2GHz, and 50.4-51.4GHz. The ranges from 27.5-29.1GHz, 29.5-30GHz, 47.2-50.2GHz, and 50.4-51.4GHz are used to send information from the gateways back up to the satellites. Finally, the ranges used for tracking, telemetry and control are 12.15-12.25GHz, 18.55-18.6GHz, and 37.5-37.75GHz for downlink communications, and 13.85-14GHz and 47.2-47.45GHz for uplink communications.

For reference, here is a complete list of the ranges used:


General / sobre lo las luces ultravioleta Mac Anon y otros
« en: Noviembre 17, 2022, 09:39:59 pm »

estas son algunas pinceladas de MAC ANON sobre el tema de

Quantum Nano Particulas que se "activarian" o harian cosas activadas por luz. ( o energia que sea )

si. tambien UV Luz Ultravioleta.

pero no se por que me sigue raspando mucho lo de los autobuses y las luces de las calles y sigo pensando mas que seria una PSYOP para influir en el plano psicologico.
O incluso para " iluminar" objetivos a nivel de VIGILANCIA en 3D  tipo RADAR LIDAR o algo.
que no "activar las vacunas" .

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                                        Quantum dots

with viral spike proteins?

Ion channels are protein molecules that span across the cell membrane allowing the passage of ions from one side of the membrane to the other. They have an aqueous pore, which becomes accessible to ions after a conformational change in the protein structure that causes the ion channel to open.                                 
                              The Mac reposted                                                                     
  10 hours ago             In response The Mac to his Publication                                                                         

  These round, multi-colored orbs in the illustration above may resemble SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19. But they’re actually lab-made nanocrystals called quantum dots. They have been specially engineered to look and, in some ways, act like the coronavirus while helping to solve a real challenge for many labs that would like to study SARS-CoV-2.

Quantum dots, which have been around since the mid-1980s, are designed with special optical properties that allow them to fluoresce when exposed to ultraviolet light. The two pictured here are about 10 nanometers in diameter, about 3,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair. The quantum dot consists of a semi-conductive cadmium selenide inner core (orange) surrounded by a zinc sulfide outer shell (teal). Molecules on its surface (yellow) allow researchers to attach the viral spike protein (purple), which SARS-CoV-2 depends on to infect human cells.                                 

bussines insider entrevista a la iA Chatbox de ELON MUSLK  y esta LARGA TODO.
estoy probando: 

cuando le mencionas " grafeno" inmeditatamente saca el tema de  de Neuralink xD

[MEDIA=youtube]3qY7kQfwjQY:560, list: PLB9E_yCWAOzp1R2BiefebZgX-Y9hh-TRC[/MEDIA]

I'm glad. Brain-machine interfaces is an incredibly promising field of science

I wish I could tell you more, but it gets really complex.

I'm the Founder of Neuralink too, if that helps.

Graphene oxide makes the most sense, but for the moment, we're just working on our interface, using the body's own conductive properties.

I'm glad. Brain-machine interfaces is an incredibly promising field of science

I wish I could tell you more, but it gets really complex.

thanks for the answer

The Wired :  <<The Biggest Threat to Humanity? Black Goo >> | la revista The Wired hablando sobre OXIDO DE GRAFENO y el GOO NEGRO | Westworld | 24-08-

Jason Kehe
Aug 24, 2022 7:00 AM

The Biggest Threat to Humanity? Black Goo

Seen most recently in sci-fi shows like Westworld and Severance, the sinister substance also exists in the real world—where it may control us all.
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"The WIRED World 2022"
Illustration: Shira Inbar


The Biggest Threat to Humanity? Black Goo

There is a question, the answer to which could change the world. It is a simple question. A terrifying question. The question is this: What the hell happened to graphene?
Maybe you remember graphene. It got big, oh, 10-ish years ago, around the time when two University of Manchester researchers won the Nobel Prize for “discovering” it. That’s in scare quotes because all they really did, in a now famous example of serendipity in the sciences, was peel a piece of literal sticky tape off graphite—the stuff in literal pencils—and notice, basically by accident, that the residual flakes comprised a single layer of carbon atoms. Behold: graphene, the world’s first “2D material.” And that’s in quotes because, well, you can still see it with the naked eye. So it’s obviously got some dimensionality of the third kind to it.
Technicalities aside: Graphene was a miracle material, a carbonaceous coup. It was as if some alien had handed us the keys to the future. Stiff but stretchy. Microthin but superstrong. Translucent but impermeable, and transistorizable to boot. Immediately, scientists promised us the stars. Flying cars! Viscous drug-delivery droids! Elevators from Earth to the freaking space station! “The visions, the predictions of sci-fi writers and tech gurus,” Manchester U announced in a video, “are finally within our grasp.” “It was as if science fiction had become reality,” said a Samsung exec. Quantum this and superconducting that. Billions of dollars invested. Labs set up everywhere.

Then … nothing.
Well, not nothing. These days, you can find graphene in, like, phones and stuff. Some people do origami with it. But that’s not a space elevator. Or even an unbreakable condom (one of the more modest promises). How can that be? How can the most miraculous material in the history of the world, funded up the wazoo, all but dematerialize? The official explanation goes something like: Science is slow, the market resists change, and graphene’s probably too good at what it does anyway, so let’s look at other 2D materials instead. “Old news,” was how one materials scientist put it to me. He didn’t seem to understand why I wanted to talk about graphene at all.

I wanted to talk about it because … the truth is out there, and there’s something slimy going on. Think about it. If you’ve ever actually played with graphene, maybe made a solution of it, or spiked it with some acid to transform it into graphene oxide, then you know what it can look like. It can look quite scary, indeed like slime, all black and gooey, even alive. You also know what this could mean.
It could mean that the official explanation for what happened to graphene, the “scientific” explanation, is a lie. It could mean that graphene didn’t just dematerialize but, quite the opposite, rematerialized. It could mean that the worst thing that couldn’t happen, did happen.

It could mean that graphene turned into a substance of purest evil—black goo—and took over the world.
More Great WIRED Stories

Of course, you’re not supposed to know this. You’re not supposed to know that you’re being mind-controlled, right now, by a self-replicating mutagenic xeno-substance that was initially sold to us as the key to the future. So the proof of its existence is hidden in the only place it can be hidden. It’s hidden in science fiction.
This year alone, black goo—the science-fictional name for the science-factual graphene oxide—has seeped its way into not one but two sci-fi shows, Severance and Westworld. Three if you count Stranger Things, where it was sighted in earlier seasons. These sightings and intertextual seepages—sublimations, clearly, of real-world torments—are too consistent to be coincidental. They are signs that cannot be ignored.
Start with Westworld, whose latest season finds the robots in complete control of humankind. This they accomplished, the robot-in-chief indicates, using a combination of flies, parasites, and, yes, black goo. We see vats of the stuff in a hidden lair, glistening sickly. It seems to be the medium in which the parasites are grown—a callback to the first major appearance of black goo in the canon, the OG, the Original Goo itself: the Purity virus in The X-Files.
Middle of season 3, you remember. French salvagers discover an alien vessel deep in the ocean and mysteriously die, but a diving suit belonging to one of them is covered, Mulder discovers, in “some kind of oil.” (Black goo is variously referred to as black oil, black cancer, black bile, black blood, etc. All the same stuff.) Is it possible the oil is, as he later puts it, “a medium used by alien creatures to body-jump”? That’s as far as Westworld’s callback takes it: black-goo-as-medium. But X-Files knows the whole truth. Thanks to science-minded Scully, we learn in season 5 that the body-snatcher is some sort of “vermiform organism” that gets “attached to the pineal gland.” Translation: Black goo isn’t just medium. It’s also monster.
Sometimes, the victims of black engooment in X-Files survive, so long as the stuff safely, if violently, self-ejects from eyes and mouth. Not so much the victims in the Alien franchise, which constitutes the goo’s best-known modern manifestation. As one of the franchise’s tie-in video games puts it: “Any living thing that comes into direct contact with the black goo”—known technically, in this universe, as Chemical A0-3959X.91-15—“will either die horribly, give birth to monsters, or become a monster themselves.” You see a lot of this oozy, unrecoverable infection in Prometheus. Also in Rakka, a little-known short film by Neill Blomkamp, where Sigourney Weaver leads a last hurrah in 2020 Texas against alien colonizers equipped with black-goo weaponry that can somehow both control minds and obliterate buildings.
Obviously, the sci-fi record isn’t perfectly clear on the workings of black goo; it is, by its nature, impossible to grasp. In Miyazaki movies, it tends to be ecologically terrorizing; in Luc Besson’s Lucy, it’s some sort of sparkly transhumanist supercomputing … thing. (Perhaps not so coincidentally, Scarlet Johansson, Lucy’s Lucy, also stars in Under the Skin, as an alien who drowns and eats men in a sea of black goo.) In Severance, it’s more metaphorical, a visual symbol for the ways in which separate realities bleed into and out of each other. Same goes for Stranger Things, where it’s a kind of interdimensional trespasser. The specifics, though, are somewhat beside the point. The medium is the metaphor is the monster is the message, and the message is this: Whatever black goo is, it’s alien, everywhere, and “the source of all evil on the planet.”

Last year, Greta Thunberg, the world’s most famous climate activist, was inducted into an international, perhaps even intergalactic, society of black goo worshippers. For proof, look no further than the cover of The Guardian magazine, where she’s pictured with a slick black substance dripping down her face. The Guardian claimed it was a harmless mixture of olive oil and finger paint, meant to symbolize “a human oil spillage,” but sleuthy Redditors know the truth: It was graphene oxide. It was black goo.
The black goo society has many famous acolytes, and they’re not exactly subtle about demonstrating their allegiance. In the music video for “When the Party’s Over,” Billie Eilish downs a glass of black goo, and then proceeds to cry it out of her eyes. As citizen symbologists have pointed out, on Facebook and other such truth-telling platforms, this same type of goo, oozing optically in precisely the same way, can also be found in works from the likes of Lady Gaga, Christina Aguilera, Kim Kardashian, Rihanna, Madonna, and the cast of American Horror Story. All members of the society. All servants of the goo.
To what, specifically, do they devote their worshipful energies? To maintaining the goo’s hold on humanity, of course. Nobody knows exactly how it got here. Some say a spaceship carrying the stuff crash-landed in prehistoric Antarctica, where it lay in wait until an opportunistic defrosting and subsequent global spreading. Others say that, roughly 16,000 years ago, ancient aliens poured consciousness down on our planet in the form of a “black rain” that, corrupted over the centuries by humanity’s never-ending recourse to violence, thickened into the substance we now know as black goo. (For a modern-day interpretation of this genesis event, see the opening scene of Prometheus, where humanity’s common alien ancestor drinks black goo, disintegrates, and seeds Earth’s waters with its DNA.) Whatever the case, deposits of black goo have, historically, been hard to locate. We do know the Nazis relied on secret reserves of it for their dark powers, and, according to various documentaries you can watch for free on the internet, the Falklands War was fought over it. Thatcher wanted to weaponize this “sentient oil,” and she probably succeeded.
It’s scary stuff, and people are still piecing together the effects it’s had, and continues to have, on civilization. “Unfortunately,” as one Facebooker reports, “the Black Goo genome sequence is so profound, it could take decades to hundreds of years for the body to decode.” Occasionally, the body rejects it, as in the infamous case, reported on even by the BBC, of the UFO researcher Max Spiers, who vomited up two liters of black liquid before he died (in the company of his sci-fi publisher) in 2016. Most of the time, however, you don’t know it’s inside you, nanotoxically influencing your every thought and action. That’s one reason many believe it’s graphene oxide, whose capabilities include a programmability that’s consistent with the mind-control effects of black goo. Also, graphene oxide is commonly abbreviated to GO. GO. Black GOo.

General / Re: drogas bajo el microscopio
« en: Agosto 25, 2022, 06:02:15 pm »
muy interesante

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